8 tips you need to know before you buy curtains

Got the furniture and wardrobes and kitchen cabinets for your home? There’s one element of home decor that you simply can’t ignore — curtains for windows. They are one of those crucial pieces of decor that can set the tone for the room. From light and breezy to substantial and ornamental, from solid colors to prints, from sheer fabrics to heavy opaque textiles — the possibilities are endless.  your curtains will either bring up the aesthetic of your room or do the exact opposite of that. Your curtain choice is subject to more than just the color of the room. With the sheer variety of options for tracks, fabrics and accessories out there, making the right choice can be quite confusing. You have to keep various other factors in mind when you’re selecting a curtain for your space.

Here are a few quick tips on how to choose curtains that could help you.


Are your curtains just for decoration or privacy?

This question indicates that your curtains often have more than one function. It depends on where you live, and for what purposes you want to use curtains. How much light do you want to let in? Some rooms, such as kitchens for example, need more light than a bedroom. You could have a combination of a blind and curtains.


Have you ever hung fresh curtains to find they’re too short? Well… One of the most important steps in getting the right curtains is making sure you have the correct measurements. The ideal width of your curtains for windows depends on the width of your window frame as well as where you want your curtains to fall. Don’t be scared though, for most windows it is very simple to do. Make sure you measure in centimeter.


Fabric is an important part of choosing curtains, as these materials determine how well your curtains will perform and last over time. For example, polyester curtains work well in bedrooms, but it isn't the right choice for kitchens because the material is flammable and absorbs odors. Linen, on the other hand, is a great fabric for kitchen curtains.

Also, keep in mind that sunlight will degrade fabrics over time If the room in question has a lot of light, it is better to avoid bright colors, because they tend to deteriorate faster.

As well, some fabrics can help keep out the cold. Many hotels use suede, velvet, tapestry or tweed since their weight helps block light and keep heat in. Still, nearly any fabric can be interlined with bump, a thick, insulating felt material.

If you don't want to block out all light but also don't want bright rays to stream in, linen curtains are a great choice. They have enough thickness to them to block out some light, but have a textured weave that does allow some light in. Lighter colored linen will let in more light, while darker linen will block more light out.

The effect of curtains on decoration

Coordinate curtain style with the room’s décor. Curtains affect the overall impact of a room in a big way, so you must think about the room’s current stylistic theme. Airy, modern spaces work best with thin, simple curtains. Formal rooms should be accented with layered panels or thick materials. Think about the current impact of the room and how you want the curtains to tie into that.

For example, if the décor in a room is already busy, think about pulling a single background color out of your statement wallpaper design. Then use that as a monochrome curtain theme.

Curtains should always match the design of the room.

Dry Cleaned or Home Washing

This might sound unimportant, but it is essential to buy curtains based on how you want to maintain them. Does only the dry wash option sound appealing to you? Or do you want the more budget-friendly option of machine-wash material? Usually, high-quality curtains used for the living and bedroom need to be dry-cleaned. They can get ruined quickly if washed at home. Cotton and other daily use curtains can be washed at home and re-used. Make sure you ask the salesman about this before you make your purchase.


Curtain Costs

If your budget allows, getting experts to design your home’s look can have many benefits. While having a consultant come in and do it for you is hassle-free, saving you a few trips to the store, it can work out expensive unless you find a reasonable one who does good work. On the other hand, doing it yourself can save you money but will require you to invest a lot more time and effort.


Choose the right curtain color to make your room look more inviting. If you are planning to buy curtains for your home, then you should know how to choose the right color that will go well with your room. The first step you need to take is to decide on what color you like the most. If you like the colors of the ceiling, then you can choose the same color for the curtains too.

If you are looking for a curtain color that goes with your decor or living room, then there are some simple steps you must take to search for the best option. The first thing you need to do is understand what colors your curtains should match with. This is because colors always have meanings, which are based on their colors. The first step is to decide what you want to achieve.

Energy Saving Properties Are Important

A great benefit of curtains is their energy saving properties, particularly in towns where we have very hot summers and cold and wet winters, so year round it’s important to insulate the room – either to keep the heat in or out. curtains with a heavy lining are perfect for this job. These curtains reflect the heat from the sunlight and prevent the home from heating up during summer, and insulate the room in the winter. At the same time, they provide partial lighting so that you don’t need to waste electricity with room lights. Fitted curtains can help to keep room air separate from the window surface, acting as a strong insulator.



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